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DESCRIPTION of Podcast: “Environment for Community” is a radio channel hosted by the Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahasarakham University (MSU), Thailand for MSU Radio.

Objectives of Podcast:

  1. To create awareness among general public regarding pressing Local (Isaan – Northeastern Region of Thailand) and Global Environmental Issues and to offer novel mitigation strategies.
  2. To share lessons obtained from various research projects conducted by different research centers at the Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies:

      a) Center for Environmental Studies for Sustainable Development (CREESD).

      b) International Research Center for Sustainable Environmental Management in Greater Mekong Sub-Region (IRCEM-GMS)

      c) Environmental Education Research and Training Center

      d) Sustainable Environment and Energy Research Center (SEER).

      e) Multidisciplinary Research Center for Environmental Sustainability (MRCES).

      f) Environmental Quality Testing Service Center and Environmental Quality Monitoring Service Center.

      g) Energy and Environment Research and Training Center for Sustainable Development

      h) Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation Research Unit (CMARE).


  1. To invite National and International speakers working in areas related to Environmental Science from the following groups for discussions:

a) Inter- and Intra- University Experts and Students

b) Industry Personnel

c) Influential Public Figures

4. To develop communication and language capabilities of students and encourage their engagement with local communities.

Proposed Schedule of Podcast


Topics of Discussion  Participants Communication Platform Linkages with the SDGs Outcomes  





“Nurture Nature”: Introduction to RAKSA Dr. Thayukorn Prabamroong

Associate Dean for Research and Academic Service/

Director of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Research Unit

Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahasarakham University




Direct recording

·   SDG No: 4 – Quality Education

·   SDG No: 17 – Partnerships for the goals

·  Description of RAKSA.

·  Scope and Objectives.

·  Target group.

·  Outcomes


·  Published

·   9th August, 2021


“This too must pass QC”: Infectious Waste Management during COVID19 episode Dr.Jutamas Kaewsuk

Researcher in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Research Unit,

Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahasarakham University



Zoom Meeting ·   SDG No: 3 – Good Health and Well-Being

·   SDG No: 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

·  Defining Quality Control (QC) Standards and Infectious Waste.

·  Description of types, sources and effects of Infectious Waste generated during COVID19.

·   Waste Management Strategies.



20th August, 2021


“Filth 2 Wealth 4 Health”: Benefits of Solid Waste Management System for Communities Assistant Professor Dr. Nachalida Yukalang

Faculty of Public Health



Google Meeting ·   SDG No: 3 – Good Health and Well-Being

·   SDG No: 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities

·   SDG No: 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

·  Defining Solid Waste.

·  Description of types, sources and effects of Solid Waste on local community.

·  Solid Waste Management methods and its benefits.

Published 31st 31st August, 2021


“To drink or not to drink?”: A discussion on reliable water supply and demographics-based access Dr.Nantanat Sriprasert

Dr.Pakapong Sriprasert


Researchers in Energy and Environment Research and Training Center for Sustainable Development,
Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies



·   SDG No: 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation

·   SDG No: 10 – Reduces Inequalities

·  Defining Drinking Water Quality Standards in Thailand.

·  Description of types, sources and effects of drinking water pollution.

·  Influence of Demographics on Safe Drinking water access.

Published 2nd September, 2021


Efficiency of Local Renewable Energy Dr.Wichitra Singhirunnusorn
Director of Interdisciplinary Research Center for Environmental SustainabilityEmail:
Direct Recording ·   SDG No: 1 – No Poverty

·   SDG No: 8 – Decent work and economic growth

·   SDG No: 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy

·   SDG No: 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities

·  Explanation of the idiom “Elephant (Thai word: Chang) in the Room”.

·  Description of types, sources and benefits of local renewable energy.

·  Discussion whether Renewable Energy contributes to Environmental Protection or is Green Washing

Published 21st September, 2021


“Sustainable Abundance”: Aiding local communities to practice sustainable entrepreneurship during COVID19 Assist. Prof. Dr. Manirath Wongsim

Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University



·   SDG No: 1 – No Poverty

·   SDG No: 4 – Quality Education

·   SDG No: 8 – Decent work and economic growth

·   SDG No: 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities

·   SDG No: 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

·  Defining Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Abundance.

·  Issues faced by local communities during COVID19.

·  Entrepreneurial facilitation methods to empower local communities.

In the process ·


“Breath of fresh Ash?”: PM2.5 Pollution -Sources, Adaptation and Mitigation strategies Dr. Thayukorn Prabamroong

Director of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Research Unit

Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahasarakham University

·   SDG No: 3 – Good Health and Well-Being

·   SDG No: 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

·   SDG No: 13 – Climate Action

·   Defining Air Quality Index and the 6 levels of Air Quality.

·   Sources and types of Air Pollutants and its effect on health.

·  Novel Tools and Techniques used for Adaptation and Mitigation of Air Pollution.

In the process ·


“Small Wonder”: Waste Utilization by Bio and Nano materials Assistant Professor Dr. Apipong Putkam Director of Sustainable Environment and Energy Research Center Yukalang

Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies



·   SDG No: 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy

·   SDG No: 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

·  Defining Bio and Nano Materials.

·  Description of types, sources and effects of waste.

·  Explanation of waste utilization mechanism by Bio and Nano materials.

In the process


“In Deep Waters?”: Flooding and Municipal Drainage Systems of Isaan Assist. Prof. Dr. Piyapatr Busababodhin

Faculty of Science


·   SDG No: 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation

·   SDG No: 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

·   SDG No: 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities

·   SDG No: 15 – Life on Land

·   SDG No: 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

·  Explanation of the idiom “In Deep Waters”.

·  Defining Flood Control and Disaster Management Guidelines.

·  Efficiency of Municipal Drainage systems of Issan.


In the process


“Heaven on Earth?”: An insight into Ecovillages and Ecotourism Mr. Khwanchai Preedee

Director of International Eco Village – Prampredee



·   SDG No: 4 – Quality Education

·   SDG No: 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities

·   SDG No: 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

·   SDG No: 17 – Partnerships for the goals

·  Defining the terms: Eco-friendly, Ecovillages and Ecotourism.

·  Explaining the benefits of Sustainable tourism with a strong focus on community development.

·  Explaining the need for International Volunteer Involvement.

In the process


Publisher: Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahasarakham University.

General Manager: The Dean, Associate Professor Dr. Adisak Singseewo

Radio Broadcast Director: Dr. Thayukorn Prabamroong

Radio Broadcast Coordinator: Ms. Alice Padmini Albert

Assistant Editors: Mr. Krissana Thamachai, Mr. Tawanon Niamngon, Mr. Yanapat Chaloeisuk and Mr. Pasit Sanjorndee

Webpage Designer: Mr. Chonlatit Seetao


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